Monday, April 5, 2010

I'm Definitely Losing my Battle Against Seasonal Allergies

I figured I should share this now in case I perish at some point today (which feels practically inevitable at this point). Anyway, I suffer from some pretty heinious seasonal allergies. Lucky for me, my allergies' "season" generally runs from about March 1st until the end of October, which I'm pretty sure means that I'm allergic to every single plant known to man (super). Now, generally my seasonal allergies are fully controlled by the double assault of Zyrtec D and Flonase, however this year my usual arsenal is proving no match for the massive yellow dust cloud engulfing the city.

My living hell is only precipitated by the fact that I love nothing more than to sit outside with a delicious bevy on a well positioned patio. I seriously know how drug addicts feel. It might be killing me, but I can't stay away from patios. Who cares that I wake up feeling like someone replaced by contact solution with siracha sauce, that I'm pretty sure I'm suffering from allergy-induced chronic fatigue syndrome, or that my body feels so sore and exhausted you'd think I fell down a flight of stairs or something (oh, yeah)? I need those patios and their proprietiers need me.

Besides, I can't avoid this pollen anyway. It is everywhere. Inside my house, my car, my office (ok, I don't know if that last one is true but it feels like it is), all over my dogs... So, like they say, if you can't beat them, join them. I think I'll spend tonight staining my new white pants yellow on a hyper-pollinated patio somewhere.



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