Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I Hate Everything About Campaigning

So my fiancee is currently campaigning for State Representative and I couldn't hate it more.  The reasons for my disdain are literally endless so I'm only going to hit y'all with the good ones.

(1) Everything isn't all about me and it should be, regardless of what else is going on.  I mean, I'm a bride-to-be for christ's sake!  I'm at my absolute pinnacle of self importance right now and nobody cares.  This makes me furious.  I'm trying to send out Save the Dates but of COURSE my FMIL says they can't be sent out until after the election..."wouldn't want to offend those voters not invited."  I mean, does my FMIL not realize that I don't give two shits about potential voters?  All I care about is the fact that Emily Post told me Save the Dates needed to go out this month and FMIL is quickly becoming public enemy number one by refusing to send over her guest list.  No worries though, I fully intend taking it by force if it is not handed over this weekend.

(2) I abhor solitications and I've quickly learned that "campaign" is just a fancy word for "solicit."  Whether you are soliciting people for their vote or hitting up friends for campaign contributions, you are spending all your time hustling someone for something.  I can't even properly solicit money for cancer research (case and point:, let alone money to pay off a burgeoning campaign debt (aka. my nest egg's funeral). 

Even more fun, this coming weekend I get to go door-to-door campaigning, just the thought of which makes me want to take a sledgehammer to my legs Misery style, so I have a valid excuse for staying home.  Of course I'm not brave enough to do anything like that but the fact that it popped into my head as a legitimate option is troubling enough.

Anyway, I'm off to consider some less permanent solutions for hobbling myself...maybe a brisk walk in those LAMB shoes of mine will do the trick.


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